The United States Coast Guard (USCG) awards QSS the Renovate the Enterprise Management Facility (EMF) in the North lab Building (L01) project at the USCG TISCOM in Alexandria VA
Major items of work shall include the following: Remove existing wall between operations center and existing server room.; Provide new wall for UPS enclosure including both relocated and new doors; Provide HVAC return air ductwork, floor supply air grilles and local controls for VAV floor diffusers. Relocate existing thermostat and humidistat;Relocate UPS power panel including temporary power, and rewire existing power feeds; Provide new ceiling grid and tiles and relocate existing lights as indicated; Remove portions of existing raised access flooring and infill with new panels, posts and new seismic bracing; Provide new power and lighting for expanded operator modules; Relocate chemical agent fire protection system in the server room; Relocation of Communication systems, Fire Alarm systems, and clean agent; Install Siemens control panel (located in the boiler room) on the existing UPS and Generator; Install HID readers to existing UPS and generator.